Thank you healthcare
Our message of thanks to healthcare workers during COVID-19
All of us at Spok are deeply grateful to all of the healthcare workers who are working tirelessly to help keep our communities safe.
The work we do at Spok is critical to more than 2,200 hospitals and health systems across the country, and we’re committed to supporting mission-critical communications 24/7 to help our customers when they need us most
We’re doing our part by having everyone who can work remotely, restricting employee travel, and canceling on-site visits to our healthcare customers.
We’re staying home for you. Thank you for working for us!
Thanks to all the healthcare workers on the front line who are risking their health caring for patients who have confirmed or possible coronavirus infection, while continuing to care for patients who have other medical conditions.
Please know that your service is valued.
Wall of thanks

To all the healthcare workers that selflessly give of themselves day after day…THANK YOU!
–Michelle Sutton, Executive Assistant

From our family to yours and to the sacrifices you are all making, sincerely, thank you.
–Stacey Giemza, Business Analyst

Thank you for being on the front line during this scary time. We appreciate you!!!
–Cory Rablin, Enterprise Sales Director

Healthcare Workers – thank you so much for all you do. Only with your dedication and skill can we get through this time!
–Michael W. Wallace, Chief Operating Officer / Chief Financial Officer

We are deeply grateful to you for all the sacrifices that you and your family are making so that you can take care of your patients. You are truly the heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic.
–Donna Scott, Senior Vice President—Marketing

Thank you to all of our healthcare workers! We appreciate all your hard work and sacrifices to keep use safe and healthy.
–Kyla Ugarek, Senior Training Consultant

Thank you all for risking your life and sacrificing your family time to save others.
–Madan Gyawali, Senior System Test Engineer

As a former healthcare hospital worker I understand the long hours and dedication you must be putting in. We really appreciate the dedication and effort you are putting forth right now. Please stay safe and healthy during these times. Thank you for everything you do!
–Bill Bassett, Technical Supervisor

A big “thank you” to ALL healthcare workers – not just physicians and nurses, but also to our emergency responders, pharmacists, lab technicians, allied health professionals, administrative staff, home health aides, and everyone else!
–Bridgette Olson, Content Marketing Manager

Thank you for your warrior hearts….we love you more than words can say for your strength, courage, and sacrifice.
–Bonnie Culp, Executive Vice President, Human Resources

Thank you to all the healthcare providers for your dedication and sacrifice to care for others—you’re the everyday heroes!
–Amber Bullis, Content Marketing Manager

You are my heroes. Thank you so much for everything you’re doing, please know you are greatly appreciated.
–John Addington, Support Engineer

I am a Global War on Terrorism and Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran. Now I am thanking the new front line against an invisible enemy. Thank you Nurses, Doctors, First Responders, and all who are helping to treat the sick and fight this invisible killer. We appreciate you!
–Andy Gill, Technical Recruiter

Thank You… Those words aren’t nearly enough for what you’re doing! I’m appreciative of your time and your strength! I admire what you do and I wish you moments of peace in each day! Thank You again!
–Tracy “Tru” Peffer, Senior Consultant, MediCall PSG

Before joining Spok, I worked for more than a decade in a children’s hospital. The dedicated doctors, nurses, therapists, child life specialists, and other clinicians inspired me then, and continue to inspire me today. Thank you for all you’re doing to keep our communities safe.
–Jill Smith, Director of Content Marketing

Sending my thanks and positive thoughts for strength to those on the front line!
–Denise Holtz, Marketing Operations Director

From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU to ALL of our healthcare workers! Stay safe, be well, and always God Bless YOU!
–Cathy Clark, Spok Enterprise Sales Director

Thanks to all the healthcare-related workers out there helping every day whether it’s normal or pandemic conditions. We appreciate you!
–John Bohman, Sales Enablement Manager

Saying “THANK YOU” does not begin to show my heartfelt gratitude for all that our healthcare heroes around the world are doing to keep everyone else safe.
–Ryan Bond, Senior Solutions Consultant

Thank you to all of the healthcare workers fighting on the front line against COVID-19. Thank you for having courage to put your lives on the line to take care of patients during this difficult time. You are all heroes. ❤️
–Donna Robinson, Vice President, Sales

Thank you to our frontline health care professionals. We owe a profound debt of gratitude to all our health professionals who have been helping selflessly during this crisis. Thank you!
–Abeer Naqvi, Senior HR Manager

Thank you to the entire hospital staff that continue to go to work every day with the critical jobs that you all do. From the operators who are continuing to be available to call codes to the clinicians that are on the front line. Thank you all for the sacrifices you are making for all of us!
–Suzie Losure, Lead Solutions Consultant, Professional Services

I want to thank all the doctors, nurses, emergency responders, and everybody who is helping eliminate this threat to our country every day. I’m so thankful for all of you. You are the real hero’s!
–Jonathan Wax, Vice President, Sales

A big “thank you” to ALL healthcare workers for the selfless and heroic work you are doing to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our hearts are with you!!!
–David Gutillo, Enterprise Sales Director

So much respect for all of the courageous first responders and healthcare workers fighting against this pandemic on the front lines.
–Alex Burnett, PHR, SHRM-CP, Sr. Manager, Payroll & Integrations

We thank you for your selfless dedication to our health!
–Mathilde van Wijk, Vice President—Technical Support

Thank you to EVERYONE who is out there keeping us safe. You are ALL very much appreciated!
–Susan James, Product Support Engineer

Thank you to all of the healthcare workers who are working tirelessly to give us the best chance of recovery!
–Heather Myers, Enterprise Sales Director

Thank you healthcare workers – what you do every day matters. In the face of COVID-19 it is your strength that makes our country so great. From myself, my family and everyone at Spok – “Thank you!!!”
–Christopher Latorra, Enterprise Sales Director

Sending a heartfelt thank you to all of the healthcare workers on the front line of the Coronavirus pandemic! #Hero
–Kim Mills, Support Engineer Team Lead

To all healthcare workers and first responders…thank you for fighting for us on the front line. Pray that you all stay healthy.
–Faezeh Oskooi Effendi, Director, Product Development

I’m so thankful for ALL the healthcare workers that are putting themselves in harm’s way! I see the sacrifice they make daily through my family and friends in healthcare, working in the pharmacies and doing the research for us. Everyday heroes!!
–Donna Messineo, Government/Channel Sales

Healthcare workers – today, I’m thankful for you and the time you are giving to fight coronavirus.
–Monica Kim, Benefits Manager

Thank you to healthcare workers in every department as we fight COVID-19.
–Aaron Fracht-Monroe, Technical Product Manager

Thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice. What you are doing on the front line is greatly appreciated.
–Rodney Stene, Senior Systems Tech

Thanks for being on the front line, you are appreciated!
–Jennifer Lowe, Manager, HR

Keep the faith, you’re making a big difference.
–Scott Peterson, Training Consultant

Sending my gratitude to all the healthcare workers, responders, staff, etc., who are putting their lives at risk to save ours! You’re all our heroes and we can’t thank you enough!
–Savy Cheam, Director, HR Systems and Operations

Huge Thank You to ALL the healthcare workers out there responding to COVID-19 and continuing to work during this difficult time! You are heroes, standing on the front line, risking your health every day to save others…more than ever, we appreciate your dedication and sacrifice!
–Renee Hall, VP Human Resources

Thank you healthcare staff for your sacrifice and care during these difficult times. I appreciate you!
–Kasey Pool, Senior HRIS Analyst

My deepest appreciation and gratitude to all healthcare workers. You deserve a longer letter than you probably have time to read, so I’ll just say a truly sincere ‘Thank You’.
–Douglas Heffernan, Training Consultant

Thank you to all of our selfless healthcare workers that are putting those in need ahead of yourselves. It is because of you that life will go on soon!
–Brian Piper, Enterprise Sales Director

Our sincerest appreciation and gratitude go out to all our care providers and related support staff that are working on the front line to treat those stricken by COVID-19. Warm regards, The Craft Family.
–Bill Craft, Enterprise Sales Director