5 major challenges that complicate critical test results management
It’s estimated that radiology departments perform over 600 million tests in the United States every year. This large number is often difficult to manage, especially when it comes to reporting critical test results to the right clinicians at the right time.
By identifying your specific operational challenges, your healthcare organization is taking the first step to finding a solution that prevents communication gaps and enhances clinical collaboration. Here are five key pain points that significantly hinder critical test result management for hospitals everywhere.
1. Fragmented communication systems
Radiology departments using manual processes—such as phone calls, printed results, or faxes—to communicate critical results can lead to potential human error and information delays. Care teams can’t act quickly, putting their patients at risk.
Technology with automatic procedures does not require the same time and energy, ensuring that critical test result notifications are delivered every time.
2. Different technology platforms
If your hospital has disparate electronic health record (EHR) and radiology information systems (RIS), clinicians might not receive abnormal or critical results on their preferred devices. Without this information, your care teams might not realize that their patients need immediate attention to address their needs.
To prevent adverse events that jeopardize patient safety, technology platforms require integration and interoperability to streamline critical test results.
3. Compliance and documentation burdens
With a vast amount of patient information through inefficient means, hospitals and health systems may struggle to meet The Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals® (NPSG.02.03.01), which states: “Report critical results of tests and diagnostic procedures on a timely basis.”
Clinicians who manually log their communication attempts can run the risk of missing critical test results, leading to potential legal issues.
Communication solutions often include automatic processes that adhere to standards while sending out critical test result notifications. Your care teams will have less to worry about, allowing them to focus on exceptional patient experiences.
4. Lack of established follow-up protocols
Many hospitals and health systems face operational challenges when the first provider does not respond to critical results. Without an automatic escalation process, this information can get lost or misdirected.
Follow-up procedures clearly identify who is responsible for caring for patients at all times. An accurate on-call scheduling solution, with the ability to consolidate integrations and vendors, ensures that messages successfully reach the available clinicians.
5. Staffing shortages
Understaffing is a common challenge in healthcare across the country. Clinicians overwhelmed by their workloads are more susceptible to human error when reporting critical test results.
Hospitals and health systems must proactively address burnout, such as equipping their employees with communication tools that are more efficient for managing critical test results.
A hospital’s ability to effectively send and receive critical test result notifications largely depends on multifaceted strategies supporting radiology departments, care teams, and patients. With robust tools that use closed loop communication, your healthcare organization can set itself up for continued success.