ReadyCall® waiting area pagers
Relieve waiting room congestion
Alleviate crowded waiting rooms and improve patient satisfaction with the ReadyCall family of waiting area pagers.
ReadyCall® Alert and ReadyCall® Text
The ReadyCall Alert and ReadyCall Text pagers provide two options for your waiting room pager needs. ReadyCall Alert is a simple and effective coaster pager. Use ReadyCall Text pagers for the ability to send HIPAA-compliant text messages with instructions or information.

Allow patients and their loved ones to move throughout your hospital and beyond
With ReadyCall pagers, patients are free to roam throughout the facility, its grounds, and the surrounding area using our existing wide-area paging network. Drive traffic to more patient-friendly areas such as the cafeteria, gift shop, chapel, and atriums or courtyards.
Reduce congestion and overflow
Clear walkways of waiting room overflow, reduce congestion in waiting areas, and reduce the time your staff spends managing incoming patients. Staff can simply hand your patients a device at check-in and the unit will provide a signal or message when a provider is ready to see them.
Communicate with patients quietly and easily
Lessen noise pollution from overhead paging and support HIPAA-compliance with discreet communication. ReadyCall pagers are easy and affordable to maintain and require minimal training to use.

Get more information about paging services
Want to learn more about our paging services? We can help you determine what solutions will best meet your hospital or health system’s communication goals.